EIA Developer (Sherif) Приложения

Dua-Islamic-Supplication-Audio 1.0
EIA Developer (Sherif)
This is the audio where you can listen beautiful Dua audio.You can listen this beautiful Dua Offline.If you find this app helpful please make Dua for Muslims oppressedaround the world just because they are Muslims.Make Dua for Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Ethiopia and every country whoare suffering because of their religion (Islam).
ኡስታዝ ያሲን ኑሩ 1.0
EIA Developer (Sherif)
This is the collection of Ostaz Yasin Nuruኡስታዝ ያሲን ኑሩ LecturesMay Allah protect him and his companions from the unjust EthiopianCurrent Government! Amin
S.M.A ሸሙአ 1.0
EIA Developer (Sherif)
የሸህ ሙሐመድ አብዱልዎሃብየህይዎት ታሪክ በሸህ ኢብራሂም ሲራጅ (አቡ ሙሐመድ)Biography of Shikh Mohammed Abdulwehab by Sheh Ibrahim Siraj (AbuMohammed)
ኢስላማዊ አኼራን ማስታዎሻ ትምህርቶች 0.1
EIA Developer (Sherif)
ኢስላማዊ አኼራን ማስታዎሻ ትምህርቶች---------------------------------------Please make DUA for my family. Especially for my mother.
ኢሳ (እየሱስ) በቁርዓንና በወንጌል 2.0.01
EIA Developer (Sherif)
This App teaches the true Jesus or Isa inQur'an and Bible (Amharic)ይህ እየሱስ በቁርአንና በዎንጌል ንፅፅራዊ ትምህርት ነው፡፡
Al-Kahf الكهف 2.0.02
EIA Developer (Sherif)
As-selamualeykum Werehmetullahi WeberekatuEthio Islamic App is an in-dependable Islamic app creator. Ihave an intention to help my Muslim brothers and sisters for thesake of Allah. This app is created for Muslim brothers and sistersto listen Suretel Kahf on the day of Jummua. It is the Sunnah ofour beloved prophet Mohammed (Sellahu Aleyhi Weselsem) to readSuretel Kahf every Jummuah.If you find this app helpful, please make Dua for me, my family andfor the whole UMMAh to give us "Husnel Khitam". To grant us"Shihada" before we leave this world.
የኢስላማዊ ዕውቀት ጥያቄና መልስ 0.1
EIA Developer (Sherif)
This is an Islamic Question and Answer inAmharic.How much do you know about Islam? Test yourself with theintention of seeking knowledge.If you find this application is helpful, it is from the help ofAllah.If you find anything wrong it is from me and Sheytan.Please make Dua for my family.ይህ እስልማዊ ዕውቀትዎን ለመገመትና ይበልጥ ለማሳደግ እንዲረዳዎ የተዘጋጀ አጭር የጥያቄና መልስፕሮግራም ነው።ይህ ሥራ ትክክል ከሆነ ከአላህ መገጠም ነው። ነገር ግን ስህተት ካገኙበት ከእኔና ከሸይጣንነው።ይህ መታሰቢያነቱ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ለአመታት ያለምንም ጥፋት ታስረው እየተሰቃዩ ለሚገኙ ኮሚቴዎቻችንእንዲሁምበፍትህ እጦት በየእስር ቤቱ ለሚሰቃዩ ሁሉ ይሁን። ሁሌም በዱዓ አትርሷቸው።
Guessing Animals Scratch Game 0.1
EIA Developer (Sherif)
Scratch quiz is a quiz with a picture and4possible answers. At the start the picture is hidden. It canberevealed by scratching it with your finger. The less yourevealbefore you guess the correct answer, the more points you get.This app is designed for children to enjoy playing safeandeducational game. There is a picture hide to scratch littlebylittle to guess what animal it could possibly be. Your scoreisdetermined by how much you scratch the hided animal. Enjoy!
ኢስላምን ለመገንዘብ 0.1
EIA Developer (Sherif)
This is a book in Amharic Language "Tounderstand Islam"ይህ ኢስላምን ለመገንዘብ ቢሚል የተጻፈ አጭር መልእታዊመጽሐፍ ነው።ትርጉም ሙሃመድ ጀማል ሙኽታር
World Wide Mesajid Walpaper 0.1
EIA Developer (Sherif)
This is world wide mesajid's walpaper.Please make Dua for me. Jezakumullahulkeyer!